Hey guys
Sorry for all the questions it's just the fact all you guys know the answers and i'm learning alot from then answers.
my question today is how would I do the following:
Copy Column A and M from one workbook to a New workbook placing column A in Column B and Column M in Column C
Column A of the NEW workbook needs to have "Probe" in the cells but only to the extent of the Last row of the Columns just pasted.
Second once they are pasted I need to search Column M (now column C) and if the first two letters don't equal J1 J2 or J3 then I need it to delete the ROW.
Any ideas? I'm not at work right now or I would be using a macro record to figure it all out but I figure someone has a two line code that does it where as I'd have about 75.
I'm getting more proficient but learning the right way first is much easier than relearning something you thought to be true that wasn't.
Thanks in advance,
- Matt
"Never Give a Sword to a Man Who Can't Dance
Sorry for all the questions it's just the fact all you guys know the answers and i'm learning alot from then answers.
my question today is how would I do the following:
Copy Column A and M from one workbook to a New workbook placing column A in Column B and Column M in Column C
Column A of the NEW workbook needs to have "Probe" in the cells but only to the extent of the Last row of the Columns just pasted.
Second once they are pasted I need to search Column M (now column C) and if the first two letters don't equal J1 J2 or J3 then I need it to delete the ROW.
Any ideas? I'm not at work right now or I would be using a macro record to figure it all out but I figure someone has a two line code that does it where as I'd have about 75.
I'm getting more proficient but learning the right way first is much easier than relearning something you thought to be true that wasn't.
Thanks in advance,
- Matt
"Never Give a Sword to a Man Who Can't Dance