Good afternoon, I have noticed that when I copy an n-column report as text and paste into Excel, it pastes as n+1. I've experimented with a simple report - no wrapped text etc. - but it still does it.
In some other non-Excel forum, there was a post regarding some problems getting a report into Excel. I responded that I detest reports from other systems that they want in Excel. There are almost always problems that require massaging the data.
And now here it is again, like a broken record!
My recommendation, from 20+ years of Excel experience, is grit your teeth and massage the data or find the source data for the report and duplicate the import via a query to bypass the problem. I managed to be able to do that maybe 95% of the cases.
There were cases when I was required to QUERY data in BO, but I NEVER exported a report! I rather exported the DATA so I could do further analysis in Excel
Skip, Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
Hi Skip. Basically I am just trying to get only the data, paste them into an existing workbook where the next column to the right is calculated, so I don't want it overwritten with the blank column output from BO.
Data for 15/16 is up to November 2015 Totals 2015/16 % Variance 2014/15 vs 2015/16 (forecast)
Ear, Nose & Throat 205 6%
I suppose the most logical way around this is just to copy out the data into a blank workbook and then copy only the columns I require. Just another joyful aspect of BO I guess!
Oh, and I've already forgotten how to paste headings and data here! (I thought it was [Pre]. Not much hope for me really.
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