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Copy and delete files on client machines (remotely!)

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Apr 21, 2003
What I need to be able to do is run a script from a
machine connected to the domain which will iterate through
all the machines on the domain and delete a file on the C
drive. I also need to be able to copy a file at the same
time to the same location.

I will be runing the script as a domain administrator so
permissions aren't a problem. I have run a command line
before to copy the original file to the domain clients
but when I modified it to delete instead of copy it
deleted all the files in the C root!
You could have a list of computer names in a db or text file then when the script runs it simply pulls it out then runs 2 shell commands like:

dim hold
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Hold = "net use z: \\" & machine name & "\c$"
wshshell.run Hold

hold = "c:\script\candd.bat"
wshshell.run Hold
wscript.sleep 10000

The bat file will be setup to delete and copy to file to Z drive and then disconnect the drive.

del bob.txt
copy c:\script\newbob.txt z:\winnt\bob.txt
net use z: /delete

This part:

dim Hold
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Hold = "net use z: \\" & machine name & "\c$"
wshshell.run Hold

won't work on Win9X machines.

if you want it to work on Win9X machines, it gets a bit tougher.

If just WinNT family, its ok.
Thanks for the replies guys. I solved my problem using the following steps;

Obtain a list of all machines on the domain using the following at a command prompt:

net view /domain:INTRANET > c:\machines.txt

I then used this to delete the file in question on each machine found using the following command line:

FOR /F " tokens=1 " %i in (machines.txt) do del "%i\C$\script.vbs"

I then used a similar command to copy an new file to the same location:

FOR /F " tokens=1 " %i in (machines.txt) do copy new_script.vbs "%i\C$\"
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