Technical User
I have four files. I am trying to get my cookies to work. I want the name of the course (which you can choose in coursepage.htm to be stored and shown in datapage.htm.
The other two files are .js files. One is just extra data and the other is the cookie code.
It is something very small that I am doing wrong. I was able to get it to store the course code but that is not what I need.
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "pd-cookie-functions.js">
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "coursedata.js">
cookiename = "OnDemandSetUp";
function submitCookie()
expires = new Date ();
expires.setMinutes (expires.getMinutes()+1);
SetCookie (cookiename, course[document.form1.course.value], expires);
location = "./datapage.htm";
<form name = form1
action = "Javascript: submitCookie()">
On Demand Set Up
<select name = coursecode onchange = "select()">
for (var i = 1; i<=10 ; i++)
document.write ("<option value = " + i + ">" + coursecode + "</option>");
</select> <br>
function select ()
var selection = document.form1.coursecode.value;
document.form1.course.value = course[selection];
Course: <input name="course" type="text" id="course"> <br>
<input type = "submit"> <br>
<a href = datapage.htm> Back to Data Page </a>
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "pd-cookie-functions.js">
var cookiename1="OnDemandSetUp";
function GetCourse()
var course = GetCookie(cookiename1);
document.write ("<b>"+course+"</b>");
document.write("[not set]");
On Demand Set Up
<a href = ./coursepage.htm>Set</a>
var coursecode = new Array();
coursecode [1] = "Choose a Course.";
coursecode [2] = "CourseCode1";
coursecode [3] = "CourseCode2";
coursecode [4] = "CourseCode3";
coursecode [5] = "CourseCode4";
coursecode [6] = "CourseCode5";
coursecode [7] = "CourseCode6";
coursecode [8] = "CourseCode7";
coursecode [9] = "CourseCode8";
coursecode [10] = "CourseCode9";
var course = new Array();
course [1] = "Choose a Course.";
course [2] = "Course1";
course [3] = "Course2";
course [4] = "Course3";
course [5] = "Course4";
course [6] = "Course5";
course [7] = "Course6";
course [8] = "Course7";
course [9] = "Course8";
course [10] = "Course9";
function SetCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure){
var temp = name + "=" + escape (value);
if (expires){
temp += "; expires =" + expires.toGMTString();
if (path){
temp += "; path=" + path;
if (domain){
temp += "; domain=" + domain;
if (secure){
temp += "; secure";
document.cookie = temp;
function GetCookie(name){
var arg = name + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
var i=0;
while (i < clen) {
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == arg) {
return getCookieVal(j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf (" ", i) + 1;
if (i ==0) break;
return null;
function getCookieVal(offset){
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (endstr == -1){
endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset,endstr));
function DeleteCookie (name,path,domain) {
if (GetCookie(name)){
var temp = name + "=";
temp += ((path) ? "; path =" + path : "");
temp += ((domain) ? "; domain =" + domain : "");
temp += "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";
document.cookie = temp;
function daysToMS(days){
return days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
function weeksToMS(weeks){
return weeks * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
function yearsToMS(years){
return years *365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
I have four files. I am trying to get my cookies to work. I want the name of the course (which you can choose in coursepage.htm to be stored and shown in datapage.htm.
The other two files are .js files. One is just extra data and the other is the cookie code.
It is something very small that I am doing wrong. I was able to get it to store the course code but that is not what I need.
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "pd-cookie-functions.js">
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "coursedata.js">
cookiename = "OnDemandSetUp";
function submitCookie()
expires = new Date ();
expires.setMinutes (expires.getMinutes()+1);
SetCookie (cookiename, course[document.form1.course.value], expires);
location = "./datapage.htm";
<form name = form1
action = "Javascript: submitCookie()">
On Demand Set Up
<select name = coursecode onchange = "select()">
for (var i = 1; i<=10 ; i++)
document.write ("<option value = " + i + ">" + coursecode + "</option>");
</select> <br>
function select ()
var selection = document.form1.coursecode.value;
document.form1.course.value = course[selection];
Course: <input name="course" type="text" id="course"> <br>
<input type = "submit"> <br>
<a href = datapage.htm> Back to Data Page </a>
<script type = "text/javascript"
language = "JavaScript 1.5"
src = "pd-cookie-functions.js">
var cookiename1="OnDemandSetUp";
function GetCourse()
var course = GetCookie(cookiename1);
document.write ("<b>"+course+"</b>");
document.write("[not set]");
On Demand Set Up
<a href = ./coursepage.htm>Set</a>
var coursecode = new Array();
coursecode [1] = "Choose a Course.";
coursecode [2] = "CourseCode1";
coursecode [3] = "CourseCode2";
coursecode [4] = "CourseCode3";
coursecode [5] = "CourseCode4";
coursecode [6] = "CourseCode5";
coursecode [7] = "CourseCode6";
coursecode [8] = "CourseCode7";
coursecode [9] = "CourseCode8";
coursecode [10] = "CourseCode9";
var course = new Array();
course [1] = "Choose a Course.";
course [2] = "Course1";
course [3] = "Course2";
course [4] = "Course3";
course [5] = "Course4";
course [6] = "Course5";
course [7] = "Course6";
course [8] = "Course7";
course [9] = "Course8";
course [10] = "Course9";
function SetCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure){
var temp = name + "=" + escape (value);
if (expires){
temp += "; expires =" + expires.toGMTString();
if (path){
temp += "; path=" + path;
if (domain){
temp += "; domain=" + domain;
if (secure){
temp += "; secure";
document.cookie = temp;
function GetCookie(name){
var arg = name + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
var i=0;
while (i < clen) {
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == arg) {
return getCookieVal(j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf (" ", i) + 1;
if (i ==0) break;
return null;
function getCookieVal(offset){
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (endstr == -1){
endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset,endstr));
function DeleteCookie (name,path,domain) {
if (GetCookie(name)){
var temp = name + "=";
temp += ((path) ? "; path =" + path : "");
temp += ((domain) ? "; domain =" + domain : "");
temp += "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";
document.cookie = temp;
function daysToMS(days){
return days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
function weeksToMS(weeks){
return weeks * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
function yearsToMS(years){
return years *365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;