I'm trying to expire this cookie but its not expiring
basically I want it to expire x minutes in milliseconds after the time its created, x being the parameter you set
is there anything obvious??
var cookiePath = ";Path=/";
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, expirenumber)
if (cookieValue != null && cookieValue != "")
var dy = new Date()
cookieValue = escape(cookieValue);
document.cookie=cookieName + "=" + cookieValue + ((expirenumber) ? ";expires="+dy.getTime()+ expirenumber : ";expires=" + cookieExpires.toGMTString()) + cookiePath;
cookieString = document.cookie;
basically I want it to expire x minutes in milliseconds after the time its created, x being the parameter you set
is there anything obvious??
var cookiePath = ";Path=/";
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, expirenumber)
if (cookieValue != null && cookieValue != "")
var dy = new Date()
cookieValue = escape(cookieValue);
document.cookie=cookieName + "=" + cookieValue + ((expirenumber) ? ";expires="+dy.getTime()+ expirenumber : ";expires=" + cookieExpires.toGMTString()) + cookiePath;
cookieString = document.cookie;