I know this isn't the forum for Visual Basic, but I have a VBScript that adds address information to the active directory. I am trying to use that script in a visual basic program (reading from one source and writing to AD). However, it crashes on the "set objUser = GetObject" line of the program. Can anyone tell me why? Am I missing a reference?
Here's part of the code:
'strADldap = "CN=Big Bird,OU=SS Users,DC=sesame,DC=net"
strADldap = "LDAP://" & strADldap
Set objUser = GetObject(strADldap)
objUser.Put "streetAddress", strADArray(3)
Here's part of the code:
'strADldap = "CN=Big Bird,OU=SS Users,DC=sesame,DC=net"
strADldap = "LDAP://" & strADldap
Set objUser = GetObject(strADldap)
objUser.Put "streetAddress", strADArray(3)