converting vb3/ms access1.0 app to vb6/ms access97...problem with recordset updates, in the old version you could update a recordset.field(xxx).value = "" with the field set to date/time in access and required set to no. Now with vb6/access97 the same gets a "data type conversion" error...if i change it to recordset.field(xxx).value= null then it works...
all the gazillions of updates and addnews in this application make use of the zero length string as above "", so you apparently didn't have to differentiate between "" and NULL for the access1 mdb in the old version...
my question is can i get this access 97 to accept the zero length "" in the date fields...going thru past postings it seems not...
my next question would be why is this? what changed from vb3/access1 to vb6/access97?
did what vb3 thought of as "" change to what vb6 thinks "" is?
all the gazillions of updates and addnews in this application make use of the zero length string as above "", so you apparently didn't have to differentiate between "" and NULL for the access1 mdb in the old version...
my question is can i get this access 97 to accept the zero length "" in the date fields...going thru past postings it seems not...
my next question would be why is this? what changed from vb3/access1 to vb6/access97?
did what vb3 thought of as "" change to what vb6 thinks "" is?