I have a form with a few fields where people enter in a gift amount for different programs (of which there can be more than one). Then there is a field where they enter the total amount of the gift they are giving. On my ASP confirmation page I am attempting to verify that the individual gift amounts equal to over gift total they have entered by assigning each form field to a variable (varamt1, varamt2, varamt3 and vartotal) then using the statement "if vartotal <> varamt1 + varamt2 + varamt3 then". I am using checks to make sure the values entered are numeric and if there is no value entered then the variable is assigned a value of 0. However, the statement is not working because I am getting something like 150 = 1002525 if the giftotal they enter is 150 and the breakdowns are 100, 25 and 25 for the gift categories. My question is what do I need to do to convert the variables to numeric somehow so they can be added together properly.