I am in the process of converting a bunch of VB4 programs to VB6. One original program had a Crystal Reports 5.0 report that I converted by opening and saving it with the 8.5 developer. In doing so I converted access to an Oracle database from PDSODBC.dll to PDSOLEDB.dll.
I thought that within the VB program I would just have to replace 2 lines of code for the conversion from ODBC to ADO:
RPT1.Connect = "odbc;dsn=prod1;uid=empl1;pwd=emplxxx"
RPT1.SelectionFormula = "{EMPREQ.DOC_TYPE}='EMPL' AND _ {EMPLREQ.DOC_ID}='" & Trim$(Sns.DocID) & "'"
The selection formula causes only one record to be elected within the recordset (all fields are bound within the saved .rpt file and the query is in the saved report as well) There are also sub reports based on separate linked tables.
I prefer not to add a Crystal Reports designer to the VB application. What do I need to do to replace the ODBC connect method for ADO and what is the simplest way to pass the selection parms at runtime?
This is my first exposure to Crystal Reports. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I thought that within the VB program I would just have to replace 2 lines of code for the conversion from ODBC to ADO:
RPT1.Connect = "odbc;dsn=prod1;uid=empl1;pwd=emplxxx"
RPT1.SelectionFormula = "{EMPREQ.DOC_TYPE}='EMPL' AND _ {EMPLREQ.DOC_ID}='" & Trim$(Sns.DocID) & "'"
The selection formula causes only one record to be elected within the recordset (all fields are bound within the saved .rpt file and the query is in the saved report as well) There are also sub reports based on separate linked tables.
I prefer not to add a Crystal Reports designer to the VB application. What do I need to do to replace the ODBC connect method for ADO and what is the simplest way to pass the selection parms at runtime?
This is my first exposure to Crystal Reports. Any help would be greatly appreciated.