Dreamweaver MX 6.1
SQL Server 2000
Hi all. I set up a web page to search our customer comments database. I wrote a simple SQL query to select the recordset. I have a conflict between the date in the database and the date variable in the webpage app. Here is the code:
I can convert string data to Dates in SQL Server no problem, but i cant seem to make it happen in the web page server behavior script. The database field [comment2005].[show_date] is a datetime value, and I guess DW is formatting the page variable as string. Can anyone give me the syntax for this? Maybe i just need to DIM the show_date variable differently in Dreamweaver? Please include brackets and quotes, I havent figured out the system DW uses when communciating with SQL Server yet.. Thanks!
SQL Server 2000
Hi all. I set up a web page to search our customer comments database. I wrote a simple SQL query to select the recordset. I have a conflict between the date in the database and the date variable in the webpage app. Here is the code:
FROM [COMMENT].[dbo].[comment2005]
WHERE [comment2005].[cust_Lname] = 'varLname' or [comment2005].[id] = 'varRecordID' or [comment2005].[show_date] = 'varShowdate'
I can convert string data to Dates in SQL Server no problem, but i cant seem to make it happen in the web page server behavior script. The database field [comment2005].[show_date] is a datetime value, and I guess DW is formatting the page variable as string. Can anyone give me the syntax for this? Maybe i just need to DIM the show_date variable differently in Dreamweaver? Please include brackets and quotes, I havent figured out the system DW uses when communciating with SQL Server yet.. Thanks!