I am trying to convert a list of polar coordinates (in degrees not pi) and distance from center to XY coordinates. Problem is that x=r COS(angle) and y = r sine(angle) while returntin to me values the positive and negative values are a bit hosed
Only lines 8 9 10 11 and 15 give me the expected result that is the coordinates for x and y being (+,+) for quadrant 1 (+,-) for quadrant 2 (-,-) for quad 3 and (-,+) for quad 4 by that I mean in line 1 with an anble of 220 degrees I know the result will be in the third quad but the formula result is showing first quad. What am I missing? do I need to do a complex if statement to define the quads first then figure the resulting angles into coordinates?
Hill?? What hill??
I didn't see any $%@#(*$ Hill!!
Communication Systems Int'l
R Angle X Y expected quad` resultant quad
Distance Angle R Cos(Angle) R Sine(Angle) (1-90 I) (90-180 2) etc (+,+ q1)(-,+ q2)(-,- q3) etc
1 4.39 220.514624 3.615426602 2.490138648 III I
2 4.39 220.5086908 3.63013724 2.468644085 III I
3 8.6 101.5693036 4.365809477 7.40943369 II I
4 10.5 53.38094708 -10.49641616 0.274313163 I II
5 11.4 317.6069916 -10.86996747 -3.435666933 Iv III
6 11.4 317.6030641 -10.88337744 -3.392947914 Iv III
7 11.4 115.1453482 -5.236114523 10.12635693 II II
8 11.8 331.7618106 3.754261488 -11.18684588 Iv Iv
9 11.9 26.08947075 6.856733126 9.726006932 I I
10 15.9 153.2679944 -12.46231427 9.874245447 II II
11 16.5 63.99576602 6.529859842 15.15291822 I I
12 16.6 272.1195961 -6.031152544 15.46561344 Iv II
13 16.6 272.1225627 -6.077005821 15.44765355 Iv II
14 16.8 298.5250696 -16.75431086 -1.238171125 Iv III
15 18.8 293.9063649 3.133402155 -18.53703835 Iv Iv
16 19.3 224.9916435 6.939011071 -18.00944545 III Iv
Only lines 8 9 10 11 and 15 give me the expected result that is the coordinates for x and y being (+,+) for quadrant 1 (+,-) for quadrant 2 (-,-) for quad 3 and (-,+) for quad 4 by that I mean in line 1 with an anble of 220 degrees I know the result will be in the third quad but the formula result is showing first quad. What am I missing? do I need to do a complex if statement to define the quads first then figure the resulting angles into coordinates?
Hill?? What hill??
I didn't see any $%@#(*$ Hill!!
Communication Systems Int'l