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Converting MM/DD in Table to Days in Month in Query

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Sep 19, 2002
My Data in my Table is listed by Date, in my query I need to run a calculation on the number of days in that particular Month. Is this possible?

Probably not what you are asking, but the expression for the number of days in a calendar month is easily derived:

MyDate = date()
? MyDate
DaysInMnth = Day(DateSerial(Year(MyDate), Month(MyDate) + 1, 0))
? DaysInMnth
MyDate = Date - 3
? Date
DaysInMnth = Day(DateSerial(Year(MyDate), Month(MyDate) + 1, 0))
? DaysInMnth

All of which may (and actually has been) easily encapsulated in a formal procedure.

The real question, however, is more probably to devine the number of days within a specific calendar month for which records exist within a specific recordset?

A clue here is here is the keyword distinct, as well as the generation of a parameterized query.

The SQL for such a thing vould look like:

SELECT DISTINCT Count(tblHolidates.HoliName) AS NumDts
FROM tblHolidates
WHERE (((tblHolidates.HoliDate) Between DateSerial(Year([MyDt]),Month([MyDt]),1) And (DateSerial(Year([MyDt]),Month([MyDt])+1,1))))

Of course, you can just copy / paste this into the SQL view of a query and edit the table and field names to suit your db schema and 'run' it from the qbe screen. It will prompt you for a date, and you may enter any date within hte month of interest. In a production app, you will want to me a but more sophisticated, perhaps supplying the parameter via some other mechanisim, but at least with this you should be able to see the process.


Searching for employment in all the wrong places
michaelred, i do believe the DISTINCT in your query is superfluous :)

larry, if all you want is to count the number of records in a particular month, for example february, use

select count(*)
from yourtable
where month(yourdate) = 2

if you want to know how many records by day in a particular month,

select day(yourdate), count(*)
from yourtable
where month(yourdate) = 2
group by day(yourdate)

this will list counts only for days that actually occur in the table, if you want all days listed, with 0 for the count where there were no records, you'll need a left join from some table which has all numbers from 1 to the end of that month -- holler if you want an example

This looks like what I need. One question in the first line MyDate = date () can it be MyDate = [any specified date] WHer any specified date = the date field within my query?


Searching for employment in all the wrong places
Thanks MichaelRed for your help on this. I am probably doing this wrong somewhere, but my mind has locked up on this and I am stumped. I pasted the following in a new query SQL,

SELECT DISTINCT Count([ce_site_volumes]![volume_dt]) AS NumDts
FROM [ce_site_volumes]
WHERE ((([ce_site_volumes]![volume_dt]) Between DateSerial(Year([volume_dt]),Month([volume_dt]),1) And (DateSerial(Year([volume_dt]),Month([volume_dt])+1,1))))

Where - [volume_dt] = 09/30/02

I need this to return the number of days in September (30)

at this time it is returning (53)

Where did I screw it up?

"I need this to return the number of days in September (30)"

i don't mean to sound like a smart aleck, but you don't need a query to figure that out

do you want to count the number of records you have where the volume_dt is any day in september 2003?

or do you want the number of records where the volume_dt is in september any year?

do you want october 1st included or not?

these are all factors in deciding what your WHERE conditions should be


Well r937,
The situation I have is as follows. I am working with an operations data base that records runtime within a month. All of the data was recorded once a month, usually during the last week but not always on the same date. Sample - I have run hours of 157 and mechanical downtime listed as 320 on a specific machine entered on 09/30/02. This is 9 months worth of data on 800 machines. I need a query or a formula that will relate the date of entry with the month of operations and give me the total number of days within that month, whereby I can multiply this by 24 to get the total number of hours. Then I can get the operational runtime % for that month.


09/30/02 = 09 (Month)
09 = 30 (Days)
30*24= 720 (Hours)

157/720 = 21.80% runtime

The number of units running, the number of days running; all of that I have. I need a formula that I can plug into the queries that were already written when I got here that will give me the total days in any given month when it is listed by any date within that month.

so michaelred was right, that is what you were asking

you could also pull the number of days in a month out of the air, so to speak

consider this string:


start with month(yourdate), multiply by 2, and subtract 1

this gives you a starting position in the string, and you pull out two characters...

, month(yourdate)*2-1, 2)

this gives you the number of days in the month

uh oh, i forgot about february in leap years

hmmm, maybe use michaelred's formulas after all...

should be


(The LAST number needs to be a ZERO ("0") as a number.

Actually, if all you need is the actual number of DAYS in a month, the expression works with out the subtraction, as in:

MyDate = Date() 'Today is Monday, Feb. 3, 2003
? Day(DateSerial(Year(MyDate), Month(Mydate) + 1, 0))

although with minor modification, r937's soloution would work for the remainder of the century


Searching for employment in all the wrong places
MichaelRed & r937,

You guys are great! The string function was the easiest to plug into my existing query and it is working beautifully. I truly appreciate your help, and this forum. I am self taught on Access and I muddle through, it is nice to have people to go to that are able, and most of all willing to help.

... but realize it (r's string thinggy) is an error waiting to happen (in ~ 1 Year), unless you make hte necessary mods for leap year ...

easy, perhaps, but fraught with hazzard -particularly for the unwary (and perhaps un-observant) novice ...


Searching for employment in all the wrong places
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