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Converting Julian Date value to Date

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Sep 27, 2003
Please could anybody help me out on how to convert Julian Date value to Date (mm/dd/yy)
I have to admin that i never used that format, if you could post an Julian date example...

George, M
converting Julian date values to calendar
date values. (e.g. Julian date 2451964 = 02/24/2001.)
Well i've found this in Microsoft help
Works for 20'th century Julian dates they says.

date=DateSerial(1900+INT(Julian_Date/1000),1,Julian_Date mod 1000)

George, M
Well if i was feeling lazy couldnt you somehow get a spreadsheet to do that for you, they autoconvert the number into a date if the cell is in date format.
Sorry this may be totally irrelevant in ASP but in a normal windows environment id use that

The way web design should be
I tried the following:

caldate = DateSerial(1900+INT(jdate/1000),1,jdate mod 1000)

and got and error message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

please could anyone help me out

date is a reserved word (sort of) and might be causing a conflict by using date= try vardate or something in the variable assignment
I 've tried the following:

CalD= DateSerial(1900+INT(JuianD/1000),1,JulianD mod 1000)

Got the same Error Message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

Clipped these from
The functions below will convert a Julian date to a standard Excel date, and convert a standard Excel date to a Julian date.  

The JDateToDate function will accept a five-character Julian date and return the standard Excel date. 

Function JDateToDate(JDate As String) As Long
Dim TheYear As Integer
Dim TheDay As Integer
Dim TheDate As Long

TheYear = CInt(Left(JDate, 2))
If TheYear < 30 Then
    TheYear = TheYear + 2000
    TheYear = TheYear + 1900
End If

TheDay = CInt(Right(JDate, 3))
TheDate = DateSerial(TheYear, 1, TheDay)
JDateToDate = TheDate

End Function

The DateToJDate function will accept a standard Excel date and return a five-character string representing the Julian date.  

Function DateToJDate(TheDate As Long) As String
Dim TheYear As Integer
Dim TheDays As Integer
Dim JDate As String

TheYear = Year(TheDate)
TheDays = DateDiff("d", DateSerial(TheYear, 1, 0), TheDate)
JDate = Right(Format(TheYear, "0000"), 2) & Format(TheDays, "000")
DateToJDate = JDate

End Function
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