Not like it's anything new, but as a unique challenge, I'm building a converter to translate a delphi DFM file into an HTML document. I already got it working, but now I have a lot of filling in the little bits and pieces. It's all based on CSS, and I have a class which stores delphi values and converts it all to a single style string. I'm also working on implementing actual style sheets, by using a drop-in component in the form that will be converted, linking each control to a pre-defined stylesheet.
It's pretty much like my own little version of .NET. It can help a lot when it comes to converting delphi applications to web applications. Now the code is another story...
JD Solutions
It's pretty much like my own little version of .NET. It can help a lot when it comes to converting delphi applications to web applications. Now the code is another story...
JD Solutions