I am having some problems and would appreciate if somebody could help me.
I have two fields, one is an integer and one is currency.
I have an unbound field and have set the format to reflect that of currency.
In my formula I have the following:
If {sp_reportdealer;1.UnitsIncome} = "Units" then
{sp_reportdealer;1.IntStandard Acquire}
CDbl({sp_reportdealer;1.curStandard Acquire})
This sets the datatype of my unbound field to Number but still enables me to output curStandard Acquire as currency, but also outputs IntStandard Acquire as currency, which I actually need to be a Integer.
I would really appreciate any help on this.
Many thanks
I am having some problems and would appreciate if somebody could help me.
I have two fields, one is an integer and one is currency.
I have an unbound field and have set the format to reflect that of currency.
In my formula I have the following:
If {sp_reportdealer;1.UnitsIncome} = "Units" then
{sp_reportdealer;1.IntStandard Acquire}
CDbl({sp_reportdealer;1.curStandard Acquire})
This sets the datatype of my unbound field to Number but still enables me to output curStandard Acquire as currency, but also outputs IntStandard Acquire as currency, which I actually need to be a Integer.
I would really appreciate any help on this.
Many thanks