I have a feedback form written for the CDONTS method which, I know, will not function on some free Web servers.
However, I have managed to find a free Web hosting service which allows ASPEmail, so I can, at least, test a few programs.
Rather than dump the CDONTS programs I have, I would like to try to convert them to suit ASPEmail, but I'm not sure if they would require complete rewrites or not.
For instance, in the statement:
Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
how would I convert that to ASPEmail? And is it as simple as that?
Many thanks for any feedback.
Best wishes
I have a feedback form written for the CDONTS method which, I know, will not function on some free Web servers.
However, I have managed to find a free Web hosting service which allows ASPEmail, so I can, at least, test a few programs.
Rather than dump the CDONTS programs I have, I would like to try to convert them to suit ASPEmail, but I'm not sure if they would require complete rewrites or not.
For instance, in the statement:
Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
how would I convert that to ASPEmail? And is it as simple as that?
Many thanks for any feedback.
Best wishes