Please can I have help in converting data taken from attachmate from capital letters into small letters. I have this that Calculus kindly provided a while ago which does it except for the first letter but not sure how to make the first letter small also!
For X = 2 To Len(freq)
If Mid(freq, X - 1, 1) <> " " Then freq = Left(freq, X - 1) & LCase(Mid(freq, X, 1)) & Mid(freq, X + 1, Len(freq))
Next X
Please can I have help in converting data taken from attachmate from capital letters into small letters. I have this that Calculus kindly provided a while ago which does it except for the first letter but not sure how to make the first letter small also!
For X = 2 To Len(freq)
If Mid(freq, X - 1, 1) <> " " Then freq = Left(freq, X - 1) & LCase(Mid(freq, X, 1)) & Mid(freq, X + 1, Len(freq))
Next X