'+%j' returns the day of year [1-366]
see: man strftime
---- to convert to julian you probably need an own-eritted function. seed in c-perl-awk forum. there are a lot of date-threads ------------ jamisar
Einfachheit ist das Resultat der Reife. (Friedrich Schiller)
Simplicity is the fruit of maturity.
This works for Julian dates from 1/1/1900(start of last century) - Enter the date as DD MM CCYY - ie 16 10 1959
or as a julian date (eg 100 )to convert to calendar date.
Entering no args gives today's date
do you have nawk installed ? try it ------------ jamisar
Einfachheit ist das Resultat der Reife. (Friedrich Schiller)
Simplicity is the fruit of maturity.
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