Can someone help me with converting the following where clause in TSQL to PLSQL? I need to pull records where the date (in varchar()) is within the last 2 months.
WHERE (IMS_UDT_TS > convert(varchar(26), DATEADD(mm, - 2, getdate()), 21)) AND (IMS_UDT_TS < convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 21))
I need the date to be converted to a string like the following(YYYY-MM-DD.....etc): 2007-11-18-
WHERE (IMS_UDT_TS > convert(varchar(26), DATEADD(mm, - 2, getdate()), 21)) AND (IMS_UDT_TS < convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 21))
I need the date to be converted to a string like the following(YYYY-MM-DD.....etc): 2007-11-18-