I have reposed this in the correct fourum now...
Hi, i am trying to find out how to convert / create some new data in excel based on the following example...
My data looks like this...
I want to run a macro or something to convert / create new data. For each instant of a '?' i need excel to replace with 0-9; the result needs to look like the following...
Please can anyone help?
Many thanks
Hi, i am trying to find out how to convert / create some new data in excel based on the following example...
My data looks like this...
225???, £10.00, £20.00
22505?, £15.00, £23.00
I want to run a macro or something to convert / create new data. For each instant of a '?' i need excel to replace with 0-9; the result needs to look like the following...
225000, £10.00, £20.00
225001, £10.00, £20.00
225999, £10.00, £20.00
225050, £15.00, £23.00
225051, £15.00, £23.00
225059, £15.00, £23.00
Please can anyone help?
Many thanks