Easy Question:
I'd like to find a free application or method of converting a .txt file to .html and have it keep the spacing and indenting of the text file. It sounds easy, but so far I have gotten mixed results with these apps...
Microsoft Office(adds lots of MS-specific CSS code), Dreamweaver, Wordpad, Textpad, and various freeware apps.
With some of the above methods I could get maybe 10% of the file to work and then the rest would all be pushed to the left margin.
Here is an example of a portion of the huge text file I need to convert...
Example text...
Bader, Ernest B.
1965-1977, papers from Board of Regents Athletic Committee; Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference; and Faculty Athletic Committee, Box 13.3
1989, Obituary clipping (Faculty)
Baird, Mrs. Annie (Adams)
n.d., Clipping (Alumni)
Baker, Lyle
1988-, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Baker, Milford James
1976-1978, Box 2.29 (Donations-Milford...)
Baker, Nancy Landon Kassebaum
SEE Kassebaum, Nancy
Baker, Ora Louise Wade
ca. 1980, Clipping (Alumni)
Baker, Thaddeus
1954, Photograph, Box 21.5 (Honorary Degrees)
Baldinger, Wallace ? (Professor of Art)
1929-1935, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.16
1932-1938, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.17
1937-1940, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.18
Balloons, hot air
SEE Great Plains Huff'n Puff Hot Air Balloon Rally
Band Day
1982, Box 2.36
Banfield, Reverend
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.4, folder 1
Barr, Edward
2002, Clippings
Barger, J. D.
1967, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Barnes, Caroline (later, Mrs. J. T. Lovewell)
1881, established the Washburn College Music Dept.
Barton, Glenn
2001, Publications, Box 20.21 (Executive in Res.)
Barton, Janice S.
1985-1987, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Bartlett, John (Spanish-American War casualty)
1898, Memorial service described in Washburn Review, v. 15 no. 3, p. 3-5.
n.d., Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1886-1925, Season records, Box 13.1
1897, Challenge by senior class to faculty for a baseball game,
Oversize folder 15.11
1982, Box 2.36 (2 folders)
1996-, Clippings
SEE ALSO Athletics
Basie, William-Count
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.6 (Speakers)
1919-, Clippings
n.d., Photographs, Box 21.1.1
n.d., Slides, Box 21.19.1
1930, Coaching school-Photograph, Box 21.1
1963, Norm Short, Photograph, Box 21.1.1 (Basketball)
1967, Glenn Cafer, Photograph, Box 21.1.1 (Basketball)
1979, Photograph of five Washburn basketball coaches
(Erickson, Miller, Chipman, McDonald, Cafer),
Box 21.5, (Homecoming 1979 file)
Game Programs
1992-, Box 13.9
1905-, Box 21.1.1
Season records
1905-1936, Box 13.1
1990-, Box 20.20
1905, 1907, 1925, 1940, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1925 (also 1952, 1959, 1967), AAU championship clippings (Basketball)
1939, first Sunflower collegiate tournament clipping (Basketball)
1956, First team (1905-06) 50th anniversary reunion photograph, Box 21.1.1
1956, First team (1905-06) 50th anniversary reunion clipping (Basketball)
1963-1988, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1901, 1908, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1909-1910, Certificate for letter in varsity, Metal cabinet
1990-, Schedules and Media Guides, Box 20.20
1992-, Box 13.9 (Game programs)
Bass, Clare R.
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.4, folder 3
Bass, Jim
SEE Broken Charm Stone
SEE Common Justice
Baum-Tunell, Caroline (Elocution & Oratory instructor)
1898, Clipping (Faculty...)
ca. 1900, Clipping (Faculty...)
Bauer, Amanda Lee
1944, Photograph, Box 21.4 (Faculty...) folder 2
Bay, J. Christian
1959, Five lectures presented by the Ninth Sloan Visiting
Professor, Menninger School of Psychiatry, Box 15.1
Bayens, Gary
I'd like to find a free application or method of converting a .txt file to .html and have it keep the spacing and indenting of the text file. It sounds easy, but so far I have gotten mixed results with these apps...
Microsoft Office(adds lots of MS-specific CSS code), Dreamweaver, Wordpad, Textpad, and various freeware apps.
With some of the above methods I could get maybe 10% of the file to work and then the rest would all be pushed to the left margin.
Here is an example of a portion of the huge text file I need to convert...
Example text...
Bader, Ernest B.
1965-1977, papers from Board of Regents Athletic Committee; Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference; and Faculty Athletic Committee, Box 13.3
1989, Obituary clipping (Faculty)
Baird, Mrs. Annie (Adams)
n.d., Clipping (Alumni)
Baker, Lyle
1988-, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Baker, Milford James
1976-1978, Box 2.29 (Donations-Milford...)
Baker, Nancy Landon Kassebaum
SEE Kassebaum, Nancy
Baker, Ora Louise Wade
ca. 1980, Clipping (Alumni)
Baker, Thaddeus
1954, Photograph, Box 21.5 (Honorary Degrees)
Baldinger, Wallace ? (Professor of Art)
1929-1935, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.16
1932-1938, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.17
1937-1940, Art scrapbook, Vol. 6.18
Balloons, hot air
SEE Great Plains Huff'n Puff Hot Air Balloon Rally
Band Day
1982, Box 2.36
Banfield, Reverend
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.4, folder 1
Barr, Edward
2002, Clippings
Barger, J. D.
1967, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Barnes, Caroline (later, Mrs. J. T. Lovewell)
1881, established the Washburn College Music Dept.
Barton, Glenn
2001, Publications, Box 20.21 (Executive in Res.)
Barton, Janice S.
1985-1987, Faculty publications, Box 6.4
Bartlett, John (Spanish-American War casualty)
1898, Memorial service described in Washburn Review, v. 15 no. 3, p. 3-5.
n.d., Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1886-1925, Season records, Box 13.1
1897, Challenge by senior class to faculty for a baseball game,
Oversize folder 15.11
1982, Box 2.36 (2 folders)
1996-, Clippings
SEE ALSO Athletics
Basie, William-Count
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.6 (Speakers)
1919-, Clippings
n.d., Photographs, Box 21.1.1
n.d., Slides, Box 21.19.1
1930, Coaching school-Photograph, Box 21.1
1963, Norm Short, Photograph, Box 21.1.1 (Basketball)
1967, Glenn Cafer, Photograph, Box 21.1.1 (Basketball)
1979, Photograph of five Washburn basketball coaches
(Erickson, Miller, Chipman, McDonald, Cafer),
Box 21.5, (Homecoming 1979 file)
Game Programs
1992-, Box 13.9
1905-, Box 21.1.1
Season records
1905-1936, Box 13.1
1990-, Box 20.20
1905, 1907, 1925, 1940, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1925 (also 1952, 1959, 1967), AAU championship clippings (Basketball)
1939, first Sunflower collegiate tournament clipping (Basketball)
1956, First team (1905-06) 50th anniversary reunion photograph, Box 21.1.1
1956, First team (1905-06) 50th anniversary reunion clipping (Basketball)
1963-1988, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1901, 1908, Photographs, Box 21.1.1
1909-1910, Certificate for letter in varsity, Metal cabinet
1990-, Schedules and Media Guides, Box 20.20
1992-, Box 13.9 (Game programs)
Bass, Clare R.
n.d., Photograph, Box 21.4, folder 3
Bass, Jim
SEE Broken Charm Stone
SEE Common Justice
Baum-Tunell, Caroline (Elocution & Oratory instructor)
1898, Clipping (Faculty...)
ca. 1900, Clipping (Faculty...)
Bauer, Amanda Lee
1944, Photograph, Box 21.4 (Faculty...) folder 2
Bay, J. Christian
1959, Five lectures presented by the Ninth Sloan Visiting
Professor, Menninger School of Psychiatry, Box 15.1
Bayens, Gary