I need to get a result set from the table on SQL Server 7.0 by passing parameter that refers to table's foreign key. Type of foreign key is uniqueidentifier, type of parameter is string. But when parameter is empty string ('') I recive an error 'can't convert string to uniqueidentifier'.
What can I do to SQL Server interprets empty string as NULL?
tolgambaev@hotmail.com [sig][/sig]
I need to get a result set from the table on SQL Server 7.0 by passing parameter that refers to table's foreign key. Type of foreign key is uniqueidentifier, type of parameter is string. But when parameter is empty string ('') I recive an error 'can't convert string to uniqueidentifier'.
What can I do to SQL Server interprets empty string as NULL?
tolgambaev@hotmail.com [sig][/sig]