Hi folks.
This thread is a follow up to this thread:
I have problems to convert another dateformat:
I've tried this approach:
...but the function throws an error.
(The dateformat cannot be altered)
-"There is always another way to solve it, but I prefer my way.
This thread is a follow up to this thread:
I have problems to convert another dateformat:
I've tried this approach:
GetLocaleFormatSettings(0, F);
F.ShortDateFormat := 'mmm/dd/yyyy';
F.ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss';
F.DateSeparator := '/';
F.TimeSeparator := ':';
d := StrToDateTime('Aug/17/2005 12:12:12', F);
...but the function throws an error.
(The dateformat cannot be altered)
-"There is always another way to solve it, but I prefer my way.