I have multiple STRING parameters/inputs the user can select for search criteria for the report. I need to view the search critera in a field. I have no problem using a number array in the parameters and viewing the search criteria on the report in a field, but I am having much trouble with the string arrays. I have tried to convert the string array to a number array.
numbervar ArrayCount:= count({?stringarray});
numbervar Stepper;
numbervar array NewNumberArray:= [0];
redim NewNumberArray[1000];
for Stepper:= 1 to ArrayCount do
NewNumberArray[Stepper] := tonumber({?stringarray}[Stepper]);
If anyone knows of a way in which I do not have to convert the string array to a number array, I would greattly appreciate help.
numbervar ArrayCount:= count({?stringarray});
numbervar Stepper;
numbervar array NewNumberArray:= [0];
redim NewNumberArray[1000];
for Stepper:= 1 to ArrayCount do
NewNumberArray[Stepper] := tonumber({?stringarray}[Stepper]);
If anyone knows of a way in which I do not have to convert the string array to a number array, I would greattly appreciate help.