Has anybody developed a user defined function for converting numbers to words (which is especially useful for printing of invoices and cheques). This function should accept numeric value as input and return the word translation. e.g. if input is 150.25, it should return "One Hundred Fifty and Twenty Five".
The supportlink magzine of Cognos for July-September 2000 gives a function which runs on Oracle. But it will not run on SQL-2000 directly unless some changes are made.
I am a business analyst using Impromptu. I know little on the programming side (i.e. writing codes, stored procedures and UDF's). Can anybody help me on this ?
The supportlink magzine of Cognos for July-September 2000 gives a function which runs on Oracle. But it will not run on SQL-2000 directly unless some changes are made.
I am a business analyst using Impromptu. I know little on the programming side (i.e. writing codes, stored procedures and UDF's). Can anybody help me on this ?