I've been having problems with the following script. I get a type mismatch when I call it from a VB script, I cannot figure it out but I would like to do is convert the script to VB. So 1 is it possible, and 2 how do you do it.
function func_addselectitem(itmText, itmValue)
with(document.<% =strFormName %>.DeleteMatter)
options[options.length] = new Option(itmText, itmValue);
return true;
In case you are wondering the script that calls it looks like this;
MatterCookie = ReadVariable("DMatter"
if MatterCookie <> "" Then
aryMattersSelected = Split(MatterCookie, ", "
for i = 0 to Ubound(aryMattersSelected)
strValue = aryMattersSelected(i)
strItem = Left(aryMattersSelected(i), 6)
func_addselectitem strItem, strValue
End if
Any and all help is appreciated.
function func_addselectitem(itmText, itmValue)
with(document.<% =strFormName %>.DeleteMatter)
options[options.length] = new Option(itmText, itmValue);
return true;
In case you are wondering the script that calls it looks like this;
MatterCookie = ReadVariable("DMatter"
if MatterCookie <> "" Then
aryMattersSelected = Split(MatterCookie, ", "
for i = 0 to Ubound(aryMattersSelected)
strValue = aryMattersSelected(i)
strItem = Left(aryMattersSelected(i), 6)
func_addselectitem strItem, strValue
End if
Any and all help is appreciated.