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convert insert into update 1

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Dec 8, 2009

thanks to Mr. BigRed1212 and Mr. gmmastros, I was able to create my insert page now the question is, how can I turn this into an edit page.
the problem is that the insert is taking the data from horizontal and putting it vertical. With the current update script that I wrote. It puts all the data into one field
for example
my input
answer1 answer2 answer3
32 33 34
41 37 25
5 7 1

after my update is executed I get this

answer1 answer2 answer3
32,41,5 33,37,7 34,25,1

I have tried a few things with no luck.

here is the input page

<%@ Language=&quot;VBScript&quot; %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<title>Form to database</title>
Function IsInteger(Data)

  If Trim(Data) = &quot;&quot; Then
    IsInteger = False
    IsInteger = IsNumeric(Data &amp; &quot;.0e0&quot;)
  End If

End Function

'declare your variables
Dim itm, userid, i
Dim sConnString, connection, sSQL
'Receiving values from Form, assign the values entered to variables
itm = Split(Request.Form(&quot;itm&quot;),&quot;,&quot;)

userid = Split(Request.Form(&quot;userid&quot;),&quot;,&quot;)

'define the connection string, specify database
'driver and the location of database
sConnString=&quot;PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;&quot; &amp; _
&quot;Data Source=&quot; &amp; Server.MapPath(&quot;qa.mdb&quot;)
'create an ADO connection object
Set connection = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)

'Open the connection to the database

For i = lBound(userid) to ubound(userid)

  'declare SQL statement that will query the database
  sSQL = &quot;update answers (userid,itm) values ('&quot; &amp; _
trim(userid(i)) &amp; &quot;', '&quot; &amp; trim(itm(i)) &amp; &quot;')&quot;

'execute the SQL
' connection.execute(sSQL) don't need this line anymore
'Done. Close the connection object
Set connection = Nothing

Response.Redirect &quot;thank_you.asp&quot;


As always any help or suggestions are very much appreciated!!
Your update query is wrong.

The basic structure of an update query is like this:

Update YourTableName
Set Column1 = 'Blah',
Column2 = 'Woo'
Where SomeOtherColumn = 12

When you issue the update command, the Where clause is important. Sometimes you want to update multiple rows and sometimes you want to update a single row. The where clause controls which row(s) are going to get updated. In the example I show above... if there are no rows where the SomeOtherColumn = 12, then the query will run, it just won't affect any rows. Meaning, it will appear to do stuff, but actually won't.

Make sense?


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
Sorry for the late reply, horrible storms in here, lost power and just got a chance to repply.

Mr gmmastros,
I think I get what you are saying, but the code that I posted is not my update code, that is the code that you and Mr. BigRed1212 helped me build.

the actual update code that I have, works, but as I described, it inserts all the data into one field.
I guess my question is, could I update all the data at once or do I have to update each column at the time?

here is what I use for my update code

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<title>Form to database</title>
Function IsInteger(Data)

  If Trim(Data) = "" Then
    IsInteger = False
    IsInteger = IsNumeric(Data & ".0e0")
  End If

End Function

'declare your variables
Dim itm, userid, i
Dim sConnString, connection, sSQL
'Receiving values from Form, assign the values entered to variables
itm = Split(Request.Form("itm"),",")

userid = Split(Request.Form("userid"),",")

'define the connection string, specify database
'driver and the location of database
sConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("qa.mdb")
'create an ADO connection object
Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Open the connection to the database

For i = lBound(userid) to ubound(userid)

  'declare SQL statement that will query the database
  sSQL = "update answers (userid,itm) values ('" & _
trim(userid(i)) & "', '" & trim(itm(i)) & "')"

'execute the SQL
' connection.execute(sSQL) don't need this line anymore
'Done. Close the connection object
Set connection = Nothing

Response.Redirect "updatedpage.asp"

your update statement should be like this:
sSQL = "update answers set userid = '" & trim(userid(i)) & "', item = '" & trim(itm(i)) & "';"
thanks wvdba,

I added
dim IngRecordNo
lngRecordNo = Request.Form("itm")
  sSQL = "update answers set explain = '" & trim(explain(i)) & "', resp = '" & trim(resp(i)) & "' itm=" & lngRecordNo;"

but I get the following error
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/questions/update.asp, line 49, column 115
sSQL = "update answers set explain = '" & trim(explain(i)) & "', resp = '" & trim(resp(i)) & "' itm=" & lngRecordNo;"
took the ;" at the end of IngRecordNo and now get
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''yes' itm=1'.
/questions/update.asp, line 50
sorry forgot to post line 50
49  sSQL = "update answers set explain = '" & trim(explain(i)) & "', resp = '" & trim(resp(i)) & "' itm=" & lngRecordNo
50  connection.execute(sSQL)
51  Next
I added where before my itm=
sSQL = "update answers set explain = '" & trim(explain(i)) & "', resp = '" & trim(resp(i)) & "' where itm=" & lngRecordNo

and now i get
sSQL = "update answers set explain = '" & trim(explain(i)) & "', resp = '" & trim(resp(i)) & "' where itm=" & lngRecordNo
After revising my code. I descided to re-write the whole thing. And following your advice it worked!!!

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