I'm sorry but I'm still confused, is it that code written in Excel is VBA, and only VB Script can be converted to .exe?
If so, then what do I need to convert my VBA EXCEL code to VB Script or a .exe file.
Can i just write, compile a VB Script File in Excel itself or what else do I need. I apologize for my naivety.
1) you can put your excel file in a scheduled task.
2) or you can convert your excel vba into a vbscript and put that in a scheduled task.
3) i'm not sure of melmitts solution since i have never used this product.
if you want number 2 or 3 then you will need to use the link that PHV provided to see what the differences are between the 2 languages.
if you are still stuck post the code where you are having the issue.
Actually, it is possible to pack script file to standalone "exe" for free in win 2k and above. The advantage is that the script remains hidden (however, it is not precise, while execution it is extracted to temporary directory and next deleted). Suppose a file "TestScript.vbs" was created. The procedure of conversion to 'exe':
1. from commandline run "iexpress" (no quotes, IExpress is windows packing wizard)
2. "Welcome to IExpress 2.0": choose 'Create new Self Extraction Directive file', >Next,
3. "Package purpose": tick 'extract files and run an installation command', >Next,
4. "Package title": write any, this will not be visible in proceeding as below, >Next,
5. "Confirmation promt": tick "no prompt", >Next,
6. "License agreement": tick "do not display a license", >Next,
7. "Packaged files": add script file ("TestScript.vbs"), >Next,
8. "Install program to launch": write (wscript.exe "chart.vbs") (no brackets), leave <None> for post install command, >Next,
9. "Show window": tick "hidden", >Next,
10. "Finished message": tick "no message", >Next,
11. "Package name and options": choose destination and name for 'exe' file, tick both options (hide extraction and long file names), >Next,
12. "Configure reboot": choose "no reboot", >Next,
13. "Save self exstraction directive": choose save for future editing, >Next,
14. "Create package": >Next, >Finish.
This procedure adds ca 63 kB of own code, but compress the script. The icon can be replaced by existing freeware programs, as 'Iconedit' by David Cornish.
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