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Convert Clipper 5.3 App to FoxPro DOS 2.6

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May 11, 2003

The client decided to convert his Clipper 5.3 application to FoxPro DOS, which is well underway. The current problem is what needs to be done to convert the Clipper data files and indexes to FoxPro files with CDXs and memos if they exist. An example of some of the files the client sent are listed below:


From these files, I get the idea that the data files consist of a mixed bag of file types.

Any suggestions of what my next step should be – except a long walk off of a short pier – would be appreciated…

Thanks for your support….
Huh? convert a Dos app to another Dos app???? What idiot is putting money into that craphole?

I'm flabbergasted this is happening in 2009 [pc]
Stop this nonsense immediately!

Get a good Clipper/xBase compiler like xHarbour or Harbour-project and recompile the original sources (with minimal adjustments) so it runs perfectly on any 32 bit (or 64 bit with the right C compiler) platform, using the original datafiles without modification.
If it's easy it would take about a day (1) to get the prototype up and running, if it's difficult it could take up and about a week. If that won't fit, the it probably is written so awfully bad it isn't even worth converting to whatever platform you throw at it.
Next thing to do would be testing, and depending on the number of function points would take another day or up to a month.

The best solution would ofcourse be to rewrite in some modern language, based of a proper design, but even reading the original request, that's probably never even come to anybody's mind in due process.

Sorry for the harsh words, (or this must be an Aprils Fool joke, and I'll have a good laugh then) but there is no means of bringing this nice and friendly.


TonHu, I think some additional information is needed.

The client priced out replacing his current DOS application with an existing windows application for $40k plus data conversion and staff training, which is too much for him to carry at this time. He also looked at having the application redone into VFP. Estimated price over $45K. Last option was to continue using his DOS application and find someone to take over the application. The person who wrote the current application told him it was a FoxPro DOS application. Once I got into it, it's a compiled and encrypted Clipper 5.3 application. The original developer is not available. One additional point, the application meets the requirements of the client as a dos application and does not see a need to upgrade to windows.

So, for approx $10K, the application can be moved to FoxPro DOS, debugged, and new features added - send email, send fax, support cycle counting for inventory control, etc. - and have the fastest system (a dos application) and one that can be made to be very stable without any additional training cost.

A different client I developed for ran his dos application for 15 months without even a single reboot.... A second client has 43+ regional offices with a total of 450+ workstations all running a FoxPro DOS application. This FoxPro DOS installation has run for over 3+ years without a single service call to me....

So, back to the original question.
This application is a Clipper compiled application, which is being converted to a FoxPro DOS app. What needs to be done to the data files for the conversion?

Again, thanks for comments and I'm looking forward to additional suggestions you may have...

Hm, Ok, a case of bad, stacked onto another bad. Not much to do about that.
Mentioned prices are quite steep, IMHO, but there can be good reasons for that.
Maybe a proper Product Selection process could save a few bucks? Software development starts somewhere around Requirement Management...

Foxpro should be able to read any type of Clipper supported database, assuming one of the standard Clipper RDD's are used. The file-list you supplied, suggest mostly the use of the Clipper DBFCDX driver, originally being promoted as the 'Foxpro compatibility' driver... so this should be a 1 on 1 mapping. The DBT file is handled using the DBFNTX driver, that FoxPro should be able to handle, but as I'm not a Foxpro user, I can't verify.
It's possible the SIX 3rd party driver was used, but that's backward compatible with both DBFCDX and FoxPro.


First of all let me know how familiar with clipper, and foxPro. Is client wants to change it to FoxPro? If not you can rewrite it in Clipper or foxPro. Only you need some exercise to convert existing database.

Let me know more detail. Perhaps I could help you out. Please use e-mail converses ion for that.


I have a CLipper app
Did some Fox 2.6 work.
I have a Visual Foxpro App.
I don't find a lot of difference between the data files.
I'm sure some people can point out differences. In my humble Clipper aplications, I only use Date, Character, and Numeric fields. In the "old days" apps could be written to run on Fox or Clipper. I have used Dbase3 to view my CLipper data files.

You can probably even view the old data files with a EXCEL spreadsheet. Write your new Fox tables and APPEND FROM.

I can't help you with MEMO fields.

I hope this helps

Jim Rumbaugh
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