Trying to Convert '3D981CC' to Binary
0011 1101 1001 1000 0001 1100 1100
Numbers convert correctly but the letters are not right. Not sure how to convert those into binary. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
cChar = SubStr(cString,I,1)
liA = IIf(IsAlpha(cChar),Asc(cChar),Int(Val(cChar)))
For liI = 7 To 0 Step -1
lcC = lcC + Iif(Bittest(liA, liI), '1', '0')
0011 1101 1001 1000 0001 1100 1100
Numbers convert correctly but the letters are not right. Not sure how to convert those into binary. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
cChar = SubStr(cString,I,1)
liA = IIf(IsAlpha(cChar),Asc(cChar),Int(Val(cChar)))
For liI = 7 To 0 Step -1
lcC = lcC + Iif(Bittest(liA, liI), '1', '0')