Formula assistance needed.
Using Crystal reports 7 (Damn State Government!)
I am trying to use field Budget Period in this format: MM/YYYY to determine Fiscal Year: YYYY. Our Fiscal Year runs Sep 1 thru August 31.
I can get this done in SQL, but am having syntax issues in Crystal.
I know what I WANT to do, I just don't know HOW to do it.
So 08/2005 would be Fiscal Year 2005,
09/2005 would be Fiscal Year 2006, etc.
Something like this:
If MM > 08 add one to YYYY
Thank you for the help, it's always a life-saver.
Using Crystal reports 7 (Damn State Government!)
I am trying to use field Budget Period in this format: MM/YYYY to determine Fiscal Year: YYYY. Our Fiscal Year runs Sep 1 thru August 31.
I can get this done in SQL, but am having syntax issues in Crystal.
I know what I WANT to do, I just don't know HOW to do it.
So 08/2005 would be Fiscal Year 2005,
09/2005 would be Fiscal Year 2006, etc.
Something like this:
If MM > 08 add one to YYYY
Thank you for the help, it's always a life-saver.