I have converted the data from Access to load into SQL but I have some code that will not work when the form loads. The form checks the 'users' table to determine the type of access. I get the below error:
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'users'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
As I said it is now in SQL and I have added the links to the sql database for the tables and can access them directly.
I am sure it is something to do with the conversion.
my code is as follows:
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'users'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
As I said it is now in SQL and I have added the links to the sql database for the tables and can access them directly.
I am sure it is something to do with the conversion.
my code is as follows:
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim vuser As String
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.txtUSERID='" & VBA.Environ("UserName") & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
vuser = rst.RecordCount ' Verifies the logged on user has a record with the tblUsers table
If Not (rst.BOF And rst.EOF) Then
' records exist
End If
' Assign rights
If vuser > 0 Then
' admin
cmdAdmin.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnadminID") ' Enables Admin Button to execute Admin Form to add users
cmdAcct.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnacctid") ' Enables Non-SAP button to allow Non-SAP users to view/edit records for Non-SAP SERVICE/USER accounts
cmdGroup.Enabled = rst.Fields("blngroupid") ' Enables SAP button to allow SAP users to view/edit records for SAP SERVICE/USER accounts
cmdReporter.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnReportID") 'Enables Reporter button for users to execute and run reports
cmdAcctUser.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnacctUser") ' Enables Non SAP Users to update all records but cannot view/modify passwords
cmdGroupUser.Enabled = rst.Fields("blngroupUser") ' Enables SAP Users to update all records but cannot view/modify passwords
cmdAcctView.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnacctView") ' Enbales Non SAP Users with View only role to all records but cannot view passwords
cmdGroupView.Enabled = rst.Fields("blngroupView") ' Enbales SAP Users with View only role to all records but cannot view passwords
cmdAcctMM.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnreportID") 'Enables NonSAP Mail Merge Reporter button for users to execute and run reports
CMDGroupMM.Enabled = rst.Fields("blnreportID") 'Enables SAP Mail Merge Reporter button for users to execute and run reports
MsgBox ("You are not authorized for this system!")
DoCmd.Quit 'exit from access
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox mstrModule & "-" & "Form_Load" & vbCrLf _
& Err.DESCRIPTION, Err.Number 'displays error in and gives description and module occured at
Resume ExitProcedure
End Sub