i have a picture , a grave yard picture , i am trying to animate differnt parts of it i have animated a bell of the church, now i have an eerie sort of music, in whch a bell tolls from time to time, i have made a movie clip of the bell animation, also the music has been put in another movie clip.now i want the bell animation to work as soon as the bell tolls in the music.
i tried several thing but i won't tell u ( cause its emabarassing
)anyway, can anyone guide me a liitle bit (well a lot actually i am not a very good programmer).how can i control the movie clip of bell animation to work in syncrohnization with the music.
thanx in advance
i have a picture , a grave yard picture , i am trying to animate differnt parts of it i have animated a bell of the church, now i have an eerie sort of music, in whch a bell tolls from time to time, i have made a movie clip of the bell animation, also the music has been put in another movie clip.now i want the bell animation to work as soon as the bell tolls in the music.
i tried several thing but i won't tell u ( cause its emabarassing
thanx in advance