Alright, I'm an amateur. I'm using Flash Pro 8. I started off making my pages in movie clips. The problem I'm having is getting my movie clips to play. My main page is titled "main_mc". I have two buttons on the page. My second page is titled "ssfpmain_mc". main_mc is on my scene1 page as a seperate layer "main". ssfpmain_mc is on my scene1 page as a seperate layer titled "ssfpmain". When I click on the button in "main_mc" I want it to play "ssfpmain_mc". So on the button I put on (release){_root.gotoAndPlay ("ssfpmain", 1);} Obviously this is not the correct code because when I click the button it is not playing the movie. Can someone help me. I was thinking I should have just created each page in seperate scenes, but I really don't feel like rebuilding this page. And everytime I try to copy the layers in my movie clip, and then stick them in there own scene, everything gets out of place. Anyways, like I said, I'm an amateur. Please help.