Our system has a requirement to display rate estimates on a window, and generate an email-able replica of the estimate on request.
We're using the SaveAs function on the estimate datawindow to create an HTML file.
It's working ok from the point of view of data, but we dont know how to control the formatting of specific columns or text on the datawindow when translated to HTML.
Text alignment and spacing are very sensitive to the content and length of text, so the appearance/layout of the page changes significantly when text content is dynamically generated.
One technique we're considering is to create an HTML template with placeholders for variable fields, and substitute the field values at runtime.
But this would mean adding the HTML template file to the application distribution package, which we want to avoid if possible.
We don't have any other leads right now, so any pointers towards useful documentation or tips on getting started with this will be appreciated.
Our system has a requirement to display rate estimates on a window, and generate an email-able replica of the estimate on request.
We're using the SaveAs function on the estimate datawindow to create an HTML file.
It's working ok from the point of view of data, but we dont know how to control the formatting of specific columns or text on the datawindow when translated to HTML.
Text alignment and spacing are very sensitive to the content and length of text, so the appearance/layout of the page changes significantly when text content is dynamically generated.
One technique we're considering is to create an HTML template with placeholders for variable fields, and substitute the field values at runtime.
But this would mean adding the HTML template file to the application distribution package, which we want to avoid if possible.
We don't have any other leads right now, so any pointers towards useful documentation or tips on getting started with this will be appreciated.