My web pages link to my external CSS via:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../main.css" title="Default">
When a user clicks on the thubnails on the page, a new window with a larger version of the image loads via Javascript thus:
<span onClick=javascript:window.open("largeimage.gif","blank","toolbar=no,width=250,height=250"
><img src="small.gif" alt="Click for large image" class="right"></span>
How can I define a class in my external CSS, and then add this class to the <span> so that the cursor becomes a hand as it passses over the image, indicating it is a link and can be clicked?
My web pages link to my external CSS via:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../main.css" title="Default">
When a user clicks on the thubnails on the page, a new window with a larger version of the image loads via Javascript thus:
<span onClick=javascript:window.open("largeimage.gif","blank","toolbar=no,width=250,height=250"
How can I define a class in my external CSS, and then add this class to the <span> so that the cursor becomes a hand as it passses over the image, indicating it is a link and can be clicked?