I have a bounded report (rptBiWeekly) based on the following query
that has the following text box
LogIN, LogOut, Site, and Activity. I used =sum(logout-login) in control source to get the total hours worked txt box . But know I want to add a where clause something like
In the report footer. I am lost on how I can accomplish this goal with a report.
If I can get an idea or example on how to add the where clause
Can a control be based on a query? If so how?
Newbie in search of knowledge
FROM tblLogInOut
WHERE employeeID=forms!frmloginout!txtEmployeeID.Value And (workdate Between forms!frmloginout!txtStartDate.value And forms!frmloginout!txtEndDate.value);
LogIN, LogOut, Site, and Activity. I used =sum(logout-login) in control source to get the total hours worked txt box . But know I want to add a where clause something like
SELECT Sum((logout-login)*24) AS SiteHours
FROM tblLogInOut
WHERE Site = "Riverside" and Activity ="work";
In the report footer. I am lost on how I can accomplish this goal with a report.
If I can get an idea or example on how to add the where clause
Can a control be based on a query? If so how?
Newbie in search of knowledge