I've got a Contivity 1010 Software Version V04_07.021, I'm trying to use the Auto Backup feature but It doesn't work, I've got a FTP server on a PC (WinFtp) to receive the backup. The Backup seems to work but I check for file saved (Directory) is empty, The contivity creates a empty directory named "sn3363" and inside this directory another empty directory "ACCLOG". The WinFtp server log shows the message "425 Can't open data Connection".
Any Ideas?, Does Anobody make a successfull backup on contivity 1010
I've got a Contivity 1010 Software Version V04_07.021, I'm trying to use the Auto Backup feature but It doesn't work, I've got a FTP server on a PC (WinFtp) to receive the backup. The Backup seems to work but I check for file saved (Directory) is empty, The contivity creates a empty directory named "sn3363" and inside this directory another empty directory "ACCLOG". The WinFtp server log shows the message "425 Can't open data Connection".
Any Ideas?, Does Anobody make a successfull backup on contivity 1010