All. I am trying to make a program that I can import a text file of servers into a list view and do a non-stop continuous ping on each of the items in a listview.
The list view gives me multiple columns that I can put data in, server name, Reply status, last timeout, roundtrip time, and current ping total time.
i have already been able to import the servers into the listview with no issues. I want to do a ping on each of the servers in the list view. I figured i need to do a listview.items.count -1 to get the exact number of servers in the item list of column 0.
I already have ping code that works with a single server name. how could i incorporate the below code to do a constant ping and never stop on each server going line by line, pulling the reply of (success or failure) putting the last timeout (current date/time), round trip in milliseconds and current total time of the current ping.
to use the below code I use the below.
I know i need to somehow get the servername out of the listview on column one and code it to cycle through it with an endless loop some how. I will also want to enable the check boxes so I can delete the ones that are selected. I have not clue how to do that. any help is greatly appreciated..
The list view gives me multiple columns that I can put data in, server name, Reply status, last timeout, roundtrip time, and current ping total time.
i have already been able to import the servers into the listview with no issues. I want to do a ping on each of the servers in the list view. I figured i need to do a listview.items.count -1 to get the exact number of servers in the item list of column 0.
I already have ping code that works with a single server name. how could i incorporate the below code to do a constant ping and never stop on each server going line by line, pulling the reply of (success or failure) putting the last timeout (current date/time), round trip in milliseconds and current total time of the current ping.
to use the below code I use the below.
I know i need to somehow get the servername out of the listview on column one and code it to cycle through it with an endless loop some how. I will also want to enable the check boxes so I can delete the ones that are selected. I have not clue how to do that. any help is greatly appreciated..
Sub PingSystem(ByVal HostName As String)
'Ping the system and display results to the txtPingResult control
'Clear any previous ping results
txtpingresults.Text = ""
Dim pingsender As New Ping
Dim options As New PingOptions
'Modify the default fragmentation behavior
options.DontFragment = True
'Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
Dim data As String = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
Dim buffer As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data)
Dim timeout As Integer = 120
'Attempt ping
Dim reply As PingReply = pingsender.Send(HostName, timeout, buffer, options)
'Ping the target system 4 times to check for consistent results
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
If (reply.Status = IPStatus.Success) Then
txtpingresults.Text += String.Format("Reply from:{1}: Bytes={2} time{3} TTL={4}{0}", _
vbCrLf, reply.Address.ToString, reply.Buffer.Length, GetMs(reply.RoundtripTime), reply.Options.Ttl)
txtpingresults.Text += String.Format("Ping Failed:{1}{0}", vbCrLf, reply.Status.ToString)
End If
'Pause for 1 second before pinging again
Catch ex As Exception
txtpingresults.Text += String.Format("Ping Failed on host:{1}{0}Error:{2}{0}Detail:{3}{0}", vbCrLf, HostName, ex.Message, ex.InnerException)
End Try
End Sub