I have a contiuous form where the user can add new records to it. On it I have some validation on some of the fields that if a [ProjID] is null on this new record and the attmpt to fill in other feilds first then the user is prompted to select something in [projID] first. but when I try to set focus to the ProjID feild i get
error 2108 = u must save the field before you can execute gotofunction or set focus
The code I am using is below...
error 2108 = u must save the field before you can execute gotofunction or set focus
The code I am using is below...
If Me.NewRecord = True And IsNull(Me.ProjID) Then
MsgBox "Please select a Project before continuing.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Add New"
Cancel = True
End If