Hi Guys
ip office release 10.0.2
Has anybody noticed when using the dial by name within the directory it doesn't work the same way as 9.1.
example: I have a directory for the Doctors mobile numbers within the contacts list.
normally I get the customer to press the contacts button then press D or DR for the doctors list to appear.
then they can quickly scroll down through the desired list of doctors because the all start with DR
Now on release 10 when you press D you get any contact that has the letter D in it anywhere within the name.
if I press D I could get Andrew because it has a matching D somewhere in the name
it seems that if you want to quickly get to a list off numbers that start with say the letter W X Y or Z you cant get to this list.
as soon as you press the keypad W and you have a name with "Andrew" this name appears first because it sees a W.
not the names starting with W X Y or Z
if I want to get to a name with Wayne then you type W A Y before you get the name which is of course correct.
ip office release 10.0.2
Has anybody noticed when using the dial by name within the directory it doesn't work the same way as 9.1.
example: I have a directory for the Doctors mobile numbers within the contacts list.
normally I get the customer to press the contacts button then press D or DR for the doctors list to appear.
then they can quickly scroll down through the desired list of doctors because the all start with DR
Now on release 10 when you press D you get any contact that has the letter D in it anywhere within the name.
if I press D I could get Andrew because it has a matching D somewhere in the name
it seems that if you want to quickly get to a list off numbers that start with say the letter W X Y or Z you cant get to this list.
as soon as you press the keypad W and you have a name with "Andrew" this name appears first because it sees a W.
not the names starting with W X Y or Z
if I want to get to a name with Wayne then you type W A Y before you get the name which is of course correct.