I have Xform class which are all implemented in the Xform.h, and the following is the constructor declarations.
Xform(const Tiny_vec<T,3>& angles,
const Tiny_vec<T,3>& trans);
Xform(const Tiny_mat<T,3,3>& rot,
const Tiny_vec<T,3>& trans);
Xform(const string& filename, Format format = FIXED_ANGLE)
throw(io_error, parse_error);
But if I compile, I get these kinds of errors:
error C2062: type 'const int' unexpected
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
error C2226: syntax error : unexpected type 'std::string'
*Tiny_vec is a template class of template<class T, int D>*
If I get rid of const ref of the Tiny_vec and Tiny_mat parameters, and pass non-const by value, then it doesn't complain but still gives error for string.
If I get pass by non-const value for the string, it still gives some kind of syntax error. Is there anything special about parameters going into the constructors? Because I have same kinds of parameter in the other member functions in Xform, but does not give any errors.
If anyone can answer this, I will be greatly appreciated!!
btw, I use VC++ .net (2003)
Xform(const Tiny_vec<T,3>& angles,
const Tiny_vec<T,3>& trans);
Xform(const Tiny_mat<T,3,3>& rot,
const Tiny_vec<T,3>& trans);
Xform(const string& filename, Format format = FIXED_ANGLE)
throw(io_error, parse_error);
But if I compile, I get these kinds of errors:
error C2062: type 'const int' unexpected
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
error C2226: syntax error : unexpected type 'std::string'
*Tiny_vec is a template class of template<class T, int D>*
If I get rid of const ref of the Tiny_vec and Tiny_mat parameters, and pass non-const by value, then it doesn't complain but still gives error for string.
If I get pass by non-const value for the string, it still gives some kind of syntax error. Is there anything special about parameters going into the constructors? Because I have same kinds of parameter in the other member functions in Xform, but does not give any errors.
If anyone can answer this, I will be greatly appreciated!!
btw, I use VC++ .net (2003)