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Connections folder outside public_html 1

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Jun 2, 2003
Hi all, wonder if anyone can help a newbie.

I have created Mysql database on webserver.
Using Dreamweaver 8 and made a connection to the db, created php connection file which is in Connections folder.
But the folder is located one level up (outside) from my public_html folder - is this correct? I was wondering if all folders and files should be inside my public_html folder, in which case I must have made a mistake when in Site Manager.

I found the settings in Site Manager quite confusing so have probably made a mistake somewhere with the "host directory".
If it is incorrect, how should I move the files.
Also because I was changing site manager settings to get the connection working I now have 2 mmServerScript folders on my web server; one inside public_html and one outside!

Would I be best to delete both folders and start again! How should I go about repairing this?
Anyone know a link to simple tutorial for setting up Site Manager correctly?

Many thanks for any advice
Every single file needs to be in the root of your site...on unix flavors commonly it is a public_html.
DW or essentially ftp access will give you a chance to use other folders but do not place anything in them.
Moving...you can just use ftp client.
"mmServerScript folders "...delete the one made initially=outside public_html.
Key is to define your 'remote' server (or 'testing' if you use the same) to use the public_html folder as a root...just pretend that there are no other folders and you have no access to it.

With all respect to DW built-in ftp capabilites I have seen (and have done myself) a lot of new users get messed up with the DW functions of 'checkouts' and 'update'.
Get your self a free ftp client FileZilla works great and make the file/folder moves then define your site and reconnect.
All the best!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Many thanks for that.
I thought it was incorrect, I just wanted confirmation. Many thanks for the advice.
Excellent, glad you got it resolved.
All the best!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
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