Hello, I am learning how to make a connection between ASP and an Access data base.
I’ve read in a book that a code like this should work:
but I get this error:
HTTP 500.100.Error interno del servidor: error de ASP Servicios de internet information server.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers(0x80004005)
[Microsoft] [Administrador de controladores ODBC] No se encuentra el nombre del origen de datos y no se especifico ningun controlador predeterminado
TRANSLATION(something like this):
“The name for the data source is not found, and a driver hasn’t been set”
If I change the Connection String to:
(I’ve made an Acuilo.dsn)
then the connection works fine, so my question is:
why the ConnectionString: "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=D:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\MundodeProductos.mdb"
dosen’t work, and what do I have to do to make it work.
If the book saids that it works, why do I get an error
Thanks for your time
I’ve read in a book that a code like this should work:
Dim objConn
set objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=D:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\MundodeProductos.mdb"
set objConn = Nothing
but I get this error:
HTTP 500.100.Error interno del servidor: error de ASP Servicios de internet information server.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers(0x80004005)
[Microsoft] [Administrador de controladores ODBC] No se encuentra el nombre del origen de datos y no se especifico ningun controlador predeterminado
TRANSLATION(something like this):
“The name for the data source is not found, and a driver hasn’t been set”
If I change the Connection String to:
objConn.ConnectionString= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\MundodeProductos.mdb"
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=Acuilo.dsn"
then the connection works fine, so my question is:
why the ConnectionString: "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=D:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\MundodeProductos.mdb"
dosen’t work, and what do I have to do to make it work.
If the book saids that it works, why do I get an error
Thanks for your time