I have a ActiveX.dll that I developed. In its Initiate event it connects to a Sql Server DB. When I run the COM from a test VB6 client it works fine. But through ASP I am getting the following error:
'1/16/2002 1:57:17 PM', 'openConn', '-2147217843 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '\'.', 'DRIVER=SQL Server;AnsiNPW=No;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Database=eBPA;SERVER=NJ_SQL'False, 'Error while connecting to the database'
Why won't it connect through asp but will through VB6 (same pc).
'1/16/2002 1:57:17 PM', 'openConn', '-2147217843 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '\'.', 'DRIVER=SQL Server;AnsiNPW=No;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Database=eBPA;SERVER=NJ_SQL'False, 'Error while connecting to the database'
Why won't it connect through asp but will through VB6 (same pc).