I have come across a command in a perl script which i am not able to understand.
The command is as below
Note:abc and xyz is actually something else.
At first look, it seems that its trying to connect some host via ssh but what is abc and xyz as they don't seem to be any unix related parameters but just strings.
Can someone explain what is it trying to do..I am trying to debug it because the above command is failing.
Any input is welcome.
I never set a goal because u never know whats going to happen tommorow.
I have come across a command in a perl script which i am not able to understand.
The command is as below
qq|ssh -p $p $u\@$f abc xyz $v \| grep $UCbs|;
At first look, it seems that its trying to connect some host via ssh but what is abc and xyz as they don't seem to be any unix related parameters but just strings.
Can someone explain what is it trying to do..I am trying to debug it because the above command is failing.
Any input is welcome.
I never set a goal because u never know whats going to happen tommorow.