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Connecting to Oracle8.0 through VB6

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I have a class where the following code is the datasource for my form. I am successfully retrieving the records from the table but when I am attempting to save any changes I am getting a update_Batch on recordset failed message<br>
Private Sub Class_Initialize()<br>
Dim db As Connection<br>
Set db = New Connection<br>
db.CursorLocation = adUseClient<br>
db.Open &quot;dsn=BOB;uid=BOBTEST;pwd=BOBTEST;&quot;<br>
Set adoPrimaryRS = New Recordset<br>
adoPrimaryRS.Open &quot;select * FROM units &quot;, db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic<br>
DataMembers.Add &quot;Primary&quot;<br>
End Sub<br>

Blotterboss -<br>
Make sure the 'BOB' dsn isn't set for read-only access.<br>
Also, which driver are you using? There are two different Microsoft Oracle drivers (I think one was a 2.00xxx version and the other is a 2.51.xxx version). And then there is the driver supplied by Oracle themselves. The Microsoft Oracle drivers use a slightly different connect string -- take a look at the msorcl32.hlp file in your system32 directory. For the Oracle driver, look at the SQORA.HLP file.<br>
You have to be careful about which of the two MS Oracle drivers you choose. They have very similar names -- it reminds me of: 'You are in a twisty maze of passageways, all alike.' :-(<br>
IMO, the 2.51 version is much better (i.e. it actually works most of the time). But I would still choose to use the Oracle driver.<br>
Chip H.<br>

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