I have a Visual Basic program from which I'd like to set up a command button, that when clicked, will bring up a Lotus Notes Database view. The database apparently opens, but I'm unable to bring up the 'VIEW'.
Thanks for any help !
Here is the code:
Thanks for any help !
Here is the code:
Public Sub openupdb()
Dim notesdb As Object
Dim session As Object
Dim n_View As Object
Dim n_ViewNav As Object
Dim n_ViewEntry As Object
Set session = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
Set notesdb = session.GETDATABASE("MYSERVER/SVR/MyCompany/US", "MYDBS\rmphbk.nsf")
If notesdb.ISOPEN = True Then
MsgBox ("Database :" & notesdb.Title & " is open")
Set n_View = notesdb.GetView("A. Name \ Last Name")
Set n_ViewNav = n_View.CreateViewNav
Set n_ViewEntry = n_ViewNav.GetFirstDocument()
MsgBox ("Database is not open")
End If
End Sub