Hi, I am writing software around a particular database. I am using ASP.
The problem I am having is with the format of the msb file. It is a database of parts, and it is issued on a CD as an Application, which serves as a parts finder.
I need to be able to connect to it via ASP, to read the data, I don't need the forms and queries and all that crap, how can I get the pure data?
At them moment when I connect to the table in question, it produces no results - counting returns zero.
What I think is going wrong is that the format is wrong, because it has been made into an executable, and the have made the table read only or something.
So my question is:
How do I get the table out of the Application?
below is the connection code:
Dim Connector,Records
Set Connector = Server.createObject("ADODB.Connection"
Connector.open "DSN=parts"
Set Records = Connector.Execute("SELECT count(*) FROM PartDetail"
Response.write "Connected to <a href='javascript:void(0)'>PartDetail</a><br>"
Response.write "This database contains " & Records(0) & " records."
Set Records = Nothing
Set Connection = Nothing
The problem I am having is with the format of the msb file. It is a database of parts, and it is issued on a CD as an Application, which serves as a parts finder.
I need to be able to connect to it via ASP, to read the data, I don't need the forms and queries and all that crap, how can I get the pure data?
At them moment when I connect to the table in question, it produces no results - counting returns zero.
What I think is going wrong is that the format is wrong, because it has been made into an executable, and the have made the table read only or something.
So my question is:
How do I get the table out of the Application?
below is the connection code:
Dim Connector,Records
Set Connector = Server.createObject("ADODB.Connection"
Connector.open "DSN=parts"
Set Records = Connector.Execute("SELECT count(*) FROM PartDetail"
Response.write "Connected to <a href='javascript:void(0)'>PartDetail</a><br>"
Response.write "This database contains " & Records(0) & " records."
Set Records = Nothing
Set Connection = Nothing