It is extremely rare that a Forum member of Tek-tips breaks 1,000 stars for their expert and professional advice on this site.
It is even rarer to break the 1K barrier in a single forum.
As a personal note, I joined Tek-Tips from a Google search, and was impressed by both the quality and tone of the discussions being held. And saw just absolutely on point and remarkably apt technical advice being given by users helping other users.
While I am sure it will embarass him, Forum member "linney" is an exceptional contributor to the XP Forum of this site, is a true gentleman and a scholar, and I have learned so much from his kindly contributions in this Forum that I doubt I can every repay the wisdom and kindness recieved.
Thank you, linney
And congratulations.
Bill Castner
It is even rarer to break the 1K barrier in a single forum.
As a personal note, I joined Tek-Tips from a Google search, and was impressed by both the quality and tone of the discussions being held. And saw just absolutely on point and remarkably apt technical advice being given by users helping other users.
While I am sure it will embarass him, Forum member "linney" is an exceptional contributor to the XP Forum of this site, is a true gentleman and a scholar, and I have learned so much from his kindly contributions in this Forum that I doubt I can every repay the wisdom and kindness recieved.
Thank you, linney
And congratulations.
Bill Castner